Sunday, November 10, 2013

I Miss My Nana...

Do you ever wonder if grandparents are wasted on the very young? 
Wait, that didn't come out quite right.  I really feel that grandparents play such an important part in a young person's life.
But what about us 40SomethingOrOthers?

Yesterday I did a craft fair in South Portland.  During the down times that occurred throughout the day, I pulled out my yarn and my crochet hook and worked on some ongoing projects.  For some reason, I could feel my Nana all around me.  Now, it might be the fact that both crafters and shoppers were a nice balance of the young and the young-at-heart.  Or it might be the fact that my Nana used to take me to church craft fairs and bean suppers when I was little.  Or it might be the fact that she shared my love of yarn and all the things that could be crafted by her hands out of it.  I don't know, but for some reason, she was there with me.

When my Nana was alive, I was too young to appreciate all the handmade gifts she lovingly made for me.  And, *GASP*, I couldn't possibly take time out of my crazy-busy social life to spend time with her, learning her gift of knitting.  But now that I am old enough to appreciate gifts of the hand-made sort and I have no social life to speak of, I can't help but wonder what it would be like if she were still with us?  Would we sit together on her couch, sip tea and create?  Would we chat about all the things I had no time for when she was here, like our family history and stories of the past that I always thought were lame, but now have the yearning to hear?

I don't know, who can foretell what can never be? 

In the meantime, I think I will just continue to do the things that I love to do, knowing that I share it with her and carry on a tradition that she started long ago.  And who knows?  Maybe she really is really here with me?

If so, Nana?  Could you help me out with socks?  I really want to figure out how to make them, but I am stumped!

Love and miss you,
Nana with Gabby

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