Ever notice how conversations change as you get older? Here, let me show you what I mean...
If you were to eavesdrop on a conversation of 20-something-or-other-year old Deb, you might hear some of the following quotes:
"Omigod! Did you see that hot guy?!"
"Omigod! What do you mean the bar is closing? It's only 1:00 am!"
"Omigod! Let me reverse French braid your hair!"
"Omigod! I'm pregnant?!?!"
"Omigod! I got a killer new job!"
"Omigod! I was SO wasted last night!"
"Omigod! ROAD TRIP!"
Now fast-forward 2 decades and you might hear these corresponding comments:
"Omigod! Not tonight, honey, I'm WAY too tired!"
"Omigod! WHO. IS. TEXTING. ME. AT. 10:00. PM?!"
"Omigod! Your grays are coming in so evenly!"
"Omigod! I'm having a hysterectomy?!?! (sa-weet!)"
"Omigod! It's only Tuesday?!"
"Omigod! I drank a glass of wine last night and my blood pressure is through the roof!"
"Omigod! I dread driving after dark!"
I shudder to think what another 2 decades might bring.
I figure it will go something like this:
"Omigod! You are going to HAVE to speak up. I can't hear a THING you are saying!"